NameTableModuleSignatureTypePropertyValue_ValidationColumnNullableMinValueMaxValueKeyTableKeyColumnCategorySetDescriptionName of tableIdentifierNName of columnDescription of columnTextYSet of values that are permittedString categoryText;Formatted;Template;Condition;Guid;Path;Version;Language;Identifier;Binary;UpperCase;LowerCase;Filename;Paths;AnyPath;WildCardFilename;RegPath;KeyFormatted;CustomSource;Property;Cabinet;Shortcut;URLColumn to which foreign key connectsFor foreign key, Name of table to which data must linkMaximum value allowedMinimum value allowedWhether the column is nullableY;N;@Name of property, uppercase if settable by launcher or loader.String value for property. Never null or empty.MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDKProductName{716E0306-8318-4364-8B8F-0CC4E9376BAC}ProductCodeMicrosoft CorporationManufacturer4.20.9818.0ProductVersion1033ProductLanguageActionTextActionTemplateLocalized description displayed in progress dialog and log when action is executing.Name of action to be described.Optional localized format template used to format action data records for display during action execution.bannrbmpBannerBitmapNoIAgreenoneProductID< &BackButtonText_BackBr&owseButtonText_BrowseCancelButtonText_Cancel&ExitButtonText_Exit&FinishButtonText_Finish&IgnoreButtonText_Ignore&InstallButtonText_Install&Install NowButtonText_InstallNow&Next >ButtonText_Next&NoButtonText_NoOKButtonText_OK&RemoveButtonText_Remove&ResetButtonText_Reset&ResumeButtonText_Resume&RetryButtonText_Retry&ReturnButtonText_Return&YesButtonText_YescompletiCompleteSetupIconcusticonCustomSetupIcondlgbmpDialogBitmap{&DlgFontBold8}DlgTitleFontexclamicExclamationIconinfoInfoIconinsticonInstallerIcon3INSTALLLEVELInstallModeTxt_1InstallModeValCustomCompleteInstallModeTxt_2Server ImageInstallModeTxt_3ChangeInstallModeTxt_4RepairInstallModeTxt_5RemoveInstallModeTxt_612345<###-%%%%%%%>@@@@@PIDTemplateProgress1Txt_1Progress1Progress2Txt_1Progress2InstallinginstallsChangingProgress1Txt_2changesProgress2Txt_2RepairingProgress1Txt_3repairsProgress2Txt_3RemovingProgress1Txt_4removesProgress2Txt_4PPROMPTROLLBACKCOSTremovicoRemoveIconrepairicRepairIconSetupSetup WizardWizardDlgFont8DefaultUIFontErrorDlgErrorDialogControlEventDialog_Control_EventArgumentConditionOrderingA standard conditional statement that specifies under which conditions an event should be triggered.An integer used to order several events tied to the same control. Can be left blank.A value to be used as a modifier when triggering a particular event.FormattedA foreign key to the Dialog table, name of the dialog.DialogA foreign key to the Control table, name of the controlControlAn identifier that specifies the type of the event that should take place when the user interacts with control specified by the first two entries.1[InstallModeVal]NextAdminWelcomeDlgAdminRegistrationDlgNewDialogCancelDlgSpawnDialogXWidthHeightAttributesControl_NextHelpThe type of the control.Vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.A string used to set the initial text contained within a control (if appropriate).The name of a defined property to be linked to this control. A 32-bit word that specifies the attribute flags to be applied to this control.Height of the bounding rectangle of the control.Width of the bounding rectangle of the control.Horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.Name of the control. This name must be unique within a dialog, but can repeat on different dialogs. The name of an other control on the same dialog. This link defines the tab order of the controls. The links have to form one or more cycles!External key to the Dialog table, name of the dialog.The help strings used with the button. The text is optional. [ButtonText_Next]PushButtonBitmap[ButtonText_Cancel]LineBottomLineThe [Wizard] will create a server image of [ProductName], at a specified network location. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].{\VerdanaBold13}Welcome to the [ProductName] [Wizard]Title[DialogBitmap]HCenteringVCenteringControl_FirstControl_DefaultControl_CancelA 32-bit word that specifies the attribute flags to be applied to this dialog.Height of the bounding rectangle of the dialog.Width of the bounding rectangle of the dialog.Name of the dialog.Defines the cancel control. Hitting escape or clicking on the close icon on the dialog is equivalent to pushing this button.Defines the default control. Hitting return is equivalent to pushing this button.Defines the control that has the focus when the dialog is created.Horizontal position of the dialog on a 0-100 scale. 0 means left end, 100 means right end of the screen, 50 center.A text string specifying the title to be displayed in the title bar of the dialog's window.Vertical position of the dialog on a 0-100 scale. 0 means top end, 100 means bottom end of the screen, 50 center.ListBoxOrderThe visible text to be assigned to the item. Optional. If this entry or the entire column is missing, the text is the same as the value.A named property to be tied to this item. All the items tied to the same property become part of the same listbox.The value string associated with this item. Selecting the line will set the associated property to this value.A positive integer used to determine the ordering of the items within one list..The integers do not have to be consecutive.[ProductName] [Setup]ReturnEndDialogFinishExitDlg[ButtonText_Finish]Click the Finish button to exit the [Wizard].{\VerdanaBold13}Completing the [ProductName] [Wizard]ExitFatalErrorDlg{\VerdanaBold13}[ProductName] [Wizard] ended prematurely[ProductName] setup ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.Description1Description2PrepareDlgPlease wait while the [Wizard] prepares to guide you through the installation.EventMappingAttributeA foreign key to the Dialog table, name of the Dialog.A foreign key to the Control table, name of the control.An identifier that specifies the type of the event that the control subscribes to.The name of the control attribute, that is set when this event is received.ActionDataProgressDlgPlease wait while the [Wizard] [[Progress2]] [ProductName]. This may take several minutes.BannerLine[DlgTitleFont][[Progress1]] [ProductName]ProgressSetProgressProgressBarProgress doneStatus:StatusLabel[BannerBitmap]UserExitDlg{\VerdanaBold13}[ProductName] [Wizard] was interrupted[ProductName] setup was interrupted. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.TARGETDIRSetTargetPathAdminBrowseDlgPathEdit0Reset[ButtonText_OK]ComboLabelIgnoreChangeDirectoryCombo&Look in:DirectoryListUpUpDirectoryListNewNewFolderUp One Level|Create A New Folder|DirectoryListNewPathLabel&Folder name:Browse to the destination folder[DlgTitleFont]Change current destination folder&Enter a new network location or click Browse to browse to one.AdminInstallPointDlgBrowseBack[ButtonText_Browse]VerifyReadyDlg[ButtonText_Back]Please specify a network location for the server image of [ProductName] product[DlgTitleFont]Network LocationOrganizationEdit&Please enter the name of your organization in the box below. This will be used as default company name for subsequent installations of [ProductName]:OrganizationLabel{80}COMPANYNAMEEditValidateProductIDPlease enter your company information[DlgTitleFont]Company Information[_BrowseProperty]BrowseDlg_BrowsePropertyYes[ButtonText_No]Are you sure you want to cancel [ProductName] installation?Information icon|[InfoIcon]Icon[ButtonText_Yes]SelectionBrowseCustomizeDlgControlConditionThe desired action to be taken on the specified control.Default;Disable;Enable;Hide;ShowA standard conditional statement that specifies under which conditions the action should be triggered.InstalledHideTree of selectionsSelectionTreeTreeEnabledSelectionNoItemsDiskCostDlgDiskCost[ButtonText_Reset]InstallModeVal = "InstallModeTxt_4"MaintenanceTypeDlgInstallModeVal = "InstallModeTxt_1"SetupTypeDlgDisk &Usage OutOfDiskSpace<>1 InstallNow OutOfDiskSpace=1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace=0 AND (PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="P" OR NOT PROMPTROLLBACKCOST) OutOfRbDiskDlg OutOfDiskSpace=1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace=0 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="D" (OutOfDiskSpace=1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace=1) OR (OutOfDiskSpace=1 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="F") OutOfDiskDlg CostingComplete=1 WaitForCostingDlgSpawnWaitDialog[ButtonText_InstallNow]Click on the icons in the tree below to change the way features will be installed.Select the way you want features to be installed.[DlgTitleFont]Custom SetupGroupBoxBoxSelectionDescriptionItemDescriptionMultiline description of the currently selected item.SelectionSizeItemSizeThe size of the currently selected item.SelectionPathLocationVisibleSelectionPathOn<The selection"s path>LocationLabelLocation:The highlighted volumes (if any) do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can either remove some files from the highlighted volumes, or choose to install less features onto local drive(s), or select different destination drive(s).The disk space required for the installation of the selected features.[DlgTitleFont]Disk Space Requirements{120}{70}{70}{70}{70}VolumeCostListVolumeListErrorYesErrorAbortAErrorCancelCErrorIconErrorIgnoreI[ButtonText_Ignore]ErrorNoErrorOkOErrorRetryR[ButtonText_Retry]Information textErrorTextInstaller InformationRetryFilesInUseIgnore[ButtonText_Exit]The following applications are using files that need to be updated by this setup. Close these applications and then click Retry to continue the installation or Cancel to exit it.Some files that need to be updated are currently in use.[DlgTitleFont]Files in UseFileInUseProcessListWelcomeDlgLicenseAgreementDlgRadioButtonGroupButtonsIAgree = "Yes"UserRegistrationDlgIAgree <> "Yes"DisableEnableAgreementTextPlease read the following license agreement carefully[DlgTitleFont]End-User License AgreementScrollableText[ProductName] License AgreementChangeButton[Progress1][Progress2][DlgTitleFont]&ModifyChangeLabelModify Installation|RepairLabel[CustomSetupIcon]RepairButtonecmusReinstallMode[DlgTitleFont]Re&pairRepair Installation|RemoveLabel[RepairIcon]RemoveButtonVerifyRemoveDlg[DlgTitleFont]&RemoveMaintenanceWelcomeDlgRemove Installation|[RemoveIcon]Select the operation you wish to perform.[DlgTitleFont]Modify, Repair or Remove installationAllows users to change the way features are installed.ChangeTextRemoves [ProductName] from your computer.RemoveTextRepairs errors in the most recent installation state - fixes missing or corrupt files, shortcuts and registry entries.RepairTextCostingComplete = 1The [Wizard] will allow you to change the way [ProductName] features are installed on your computer or even to remove [ProductName] from your computer. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].The highlighted volumes do not have enough disk space available for the currently selected features. You can either remove some files from the highlighted volumes, or choose to install less features onto local drive(s), or select different destination drive(s).Disk space required for the installation exceeds available disk space.[DlgTitleFont]Out of Disk SpaceFalseEnableRollbackAlternatively, you may choose to disable the installer"s rollback functionality. This allows the installer to restore your computer"s original state should the installation be interrupted in any way. Click Yes if you wish to take the risk to disable rollback.Text2InstallResumeDlgOutOfDiskSpace <> 1OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND (PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="P" OR NOT PROMPTROLLBACKCOST)OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 0 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="D"(OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND OutOfNoRbDiskSpace = 1) OR (OutOfDiskSpace = 1 AND PROMPTROLLBACKCOST="F")[ButtonText_Install]The [Wizard] will complete the installation of [ProductName] on your computer. Click Install to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].{\VerdanaBold13}Resuming the [ProductName] [Wizard]TypicalButton1000SetInstallLevel[DlgTitleFont]&Install NowTypicalLabelInstall Now|CustomLabel[CompleteSetupIcon]CustomButton[DlgTitleFont]C&ustomize...Customize...|Choose the setup type that best suits your needs[DlgTitleFont]Choose Setup TypeAllows users to choose which program features will be installed and where they will be installed. Recommended for advanced users.CustomTextInstall MSXML 4.0 at [ProgramFilesFolder]MSXML 4.0TypicalTextNameEdit&User Name:NameLabelUSERNAME&Organization:Please enter your customer information[DlgTitleFont]Customer InformationInstallModeVal = "InstallModeTxt_3"InstallModeVal = "InstallModeTxt_1" OR InstallModeVal = "InstallModeTxt_4"InstallModeVal = "InstallModeTxt_5"InstallModeVal = "InstallModeTxt_2"Click Install to begin the installation. If you want to review or change any of your installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit the wizard.The [Wizard] is ready to begin the [[InstallModeVal]] installation[DlgTitleFont]Ready to InstallAll[ButtonText_Remove]Click Remove to remove [ProductName] from your computer. If you want to review or change any of your installation settings, click Back. Click Cancel to exit the wizard.You have chosen to remove the program from your computer.[DlgTitleFont]Remove [ProductName]?Please wait while the installer finishes determining your disk space requirements.Exclamation icon|[ExclamationIcon][ButtonText_Return]The [Wizard] will install [ProductName] on your computer. Click Next to continue or Cancel to exit the [Wizard].UnsupSetupDlgThis type of setup is not supported.MessageRadioButtonThe vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the radio button.The visible title to be assigned to the radio button.A named property to be tied to this radio button. All the buttons tied to the same property become part of the same group.The height of the button.The width of the button.The horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the radio button.The value string associated with this button. Selecting the button will set the associated property to this value.The help strings used with the button. The text is optional.{\DlgFont8}I &accept the terms in the License Agreement{\DlgFont8}I &do not accept the terms in the License AgreementTextStyleFaceNameSizeColorStyleBitsName of the style. The primary key of this table. This name is embedded in the texts to indicate a style change.A long integer indicating the color of the string in the RGB format (Red, Green, Blue each 0-255, RGB = R + 256*G + 256^2*B).A string indicating the name of the font used. Required. The string must be at most 31 characters long.The size of the font used. This size is given in our units (1/12 of the system font height). Assuming that the system font is set to 12 point size, this is equivalent to the point size.A combination of style bits.TahomaDlgFontBold8VerdanaVerdanaBold13UITextKeyThe localized version of the string.A unique key that identifies the particular string.AbsentPathbytesGBKBMBEntire feature will be unavailableMenuAbsentFeature will be installed when requiredMenuAdvertiseEntire feature will be installed to run from CDMenuAllCDEntire feature will be installed on local hard driveMenuAllLocalEntire feature will be installed to run from networkMenuAllNetworkWill be installed to run from CDMenuCDWill be installed on local hard driveMenuLocalWill be installed to run from networkMenuNetworkGathering required information...ScriptInProgressThis feature will remain uninstalledSelAbsentAbsentThis feature will be set to be installed when requiredSelAbsentAdvertiseThis feature will be installed to run from CDSelAbsentCDThis feature will be installed on the local hard driveSelAbsentLocalThis feature will be installed to run from the networkSelAbsentNetworkThis feature will become unavailableSelAdvertiseAbsentWill be installed when requiredSelAdvertiseAdvertiseThis feature will be available to run from CDSelAdvertiseCDThis feature will be installed on your local hard driveSelAdvertiseLocalThis feature will be available to run from the networkSelAdvertiseNetworkThis feature will be uninstalled completely, you won"t be able to run it from CDSelCDAbsentThis feature will change from run from CD state to set to be installed when requiredSelCDAdvertiseThis feature will remain to be run from CDSelCDCDThis feature will change from run from CD state to be installed on the local hard driveSelCDLocalThis feature frees up [1] on your hard drive.SelChildCostNegThis feature requires [1] on your hard drive.SelChildCostPosCompiling cost for this feature...SelCostPendingThis feature will be completely removedSelLocalAbsentThis feature will be removed from your local hard drive, but will be set to be installed when requiredSelLocalAdvertiseThis feature will be removed from your local hard drive, but will be still available to run from CDSelLocalCDThis feature will remain on you local hard driveSelLocalLocalThis feature will be removed from your local hard drive, but will be still available to run from the networkSelLocalNetworkThis feature will be uninstalled completely, you won"t be able to run it from the networkSelNetworkAbsentThis feature will change from run from network state to set to be installed when requiredSelNetworkAdvertiseThis feature will change from run from network state to be installed on the local hard driveSelNetworkLocalThis feature will remain to be run from the networkSelNetworkNetworkThis feature frees up [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures free up [4] on your hard drive.SelParentCostNegNegThis feature frees up [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures require [4] on your hard drive.SelParentCostNegPosThis feature requires [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures free up [4] on your hard drive.SelParentCostPosNegThis feature requires [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures require [4] on your hard drive.SelParentCostPosPosTime remaining: {[1] minutes }{[2] seconds}TimeRemainingAvailableVolumeCostAvailableDifferenceVolumeCostDifferenceRequiredVolumeCostRequiredDisk SizeVolumeCostSizeVolumeVolumeCostVolumeInstallExecuteSequenceSequenceName of action to invoke, either in the engine or the handler DLL.Optional expression which skips the action if evaluates to expFalse.If the expression syntax is invalid, the engine will terminate, returning iesBadActionData.Number that determines the sort order in which the actions are to be executed. Leave blank to suppress action.InstallUISequenceAdminExecuteSequenceAdminUISequenceAdvtExecuteSequenceAdvtUISequenceAppSearchLaunchConditionsFindRelatedProductsNOT Installed AND CCP_TESTCCPSearchRMCCPSearchCostInitializeFileCostCostFinalizeMigrateFeatureStatesNOT InstalledInstalled AND (RESUME OR Preselected)Installed AND NOT RESUME AND NOT PreselectedExecuteActionBinaryDataUnique key identifying the binary data.The unformatted binary data.APPS_TESTSetODBCFoldersInstallValidateInstallInitializeAllocateRegistrySpaceProcessComponentsUnpublishComponentsUnpublishFeaturesVersionNTStopServicesDeleteServicesUnregisterComPlusSelfUnregModulesUnregisterTypeLibrariesRemoveODBCUnregisterFontsRemoveRegistryValuesUnregisterClassInfoUnregisterExtensionInfoUnregisterProgIdInfoUnregisterMIMEInfoRemoveIniValuesRemoveShortcutsRemoveEnvironmentStringsRemoveDuplicateFilesRemoveFilesRemoveFoldersCreateFoldersMoveFilesInstallFilesPatchFilesDuplicateFilesBindImageCreateShortcutsRegisterClassInfoRegisterExtensionInfoRegisterProgIdInfoRegisterMIMEInfoWriteRegistryValuesWriteIniValuesWriteEnvironmentStringsRegisterFontsInstallODBCRegisterTypeLibrariesSelfRegModulesRegisterComPlusInstallServicesStartServicesRegisterUserRegisterProductPublishComponentsPublishFeaturesPublishProductInstallFinalizeRemoveExistingProductsInstallAdminPackageVerdenaTitleFontBold13ErrorInteger error number, obtained from header file IError(...) macros.Error formatting template, obtained from user ed. or localizers.{{Fatal error: }}{{Error [1]. }}Warning [1]. Info [1]. The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is [1]. {{The arguments are: [2], [3], [4]}}{{Disk full: }}Action [Time]: [1]. [2][ProductName]{[2]}{, [3]}{, [4]}Message type: [1], Argument: [2]=== Logging started: [Date] [Time] ====== Logging stopped: [Date] [Time] ===Action start [Time]: [1].Action ended [Time]: [1]. Return value [2].Out of memory. Shut down other applications before retrying.Installer is no longer responding.Installer stopped prematurely.Please wait while Windows configures [ProductName]Removing older versions of this application...Preparing to remove older versions of this application...{[ProductName] }Setup completed successfully.{[ProductName] }Setup failed.Error reading from file: [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.Cannot create the file '[2]'. A directory with this name already exists. Cancel the install and try installing to a different location.Please insert the disk: [2]The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory: [2]. The installation cannot continue. Log on as administrator or contact your system administrator.Error writing to file: [2]. Verify that you have access to that directory.Error reading from file [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.Another application has exclusive access to the file '[2]'. Please shut down all other applications, then click Retry.There is not enough disk space to install this file: [2]. Free some disk space and click Retry, or click Cancel to exit.Source file not found: [2]. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.Error reading from file: [3]. {{ System error [2].}} Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.Error writing to file: [3]. {{ System error [2].}} Verify that you have access to that directory.Source file not found{{(cabinet)}}: [2]. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.Cannot create the directory '[2]'. A file with this name already exists. Please rename or remove the file and click retry, or click Cancel to exit.The volume [2] is currently unavailable. Please select another.The specified path '[2]' is unavailable.Unable to write to the specified folder: [2].A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file: [2]An error occurred while attempting to create the directory: [2]A network error occurred while attempting to create the directory: [2]A network error occurred while attempting to open the source file cabinet: [2]The specified path is too long: [2]The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file: [2].A portion of the folder path '[2]' is invalid. It is either empty or exceeds the length allowed by the system.The folder path '[2]' contains words that are not valid in folder paths.The folder path '[2]' contains an invalid character.'[2]' is not a valid short file name.Error getting file security: [3] GetLastError: [2]Invalid Drive: [2]Error applying patch to file [2]. It has probably been updated by other means, and can no longer be modified by this patch. For more information contact your patch vendor. {{System Error: [3]}}A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file [2] is not digitally signed. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt.A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file [2] has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt.{{ Error [3] was returned by WinVerifyTrust.}}Failed to correctly copy [2] file: CRC error.Failed to correctly move [2] file: CRC error.Failed to correctly patch [2] file: CRC error.The file '[2]' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file '[3]'. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.The cabinet file '[2]' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.There was an error creating a temporary file that is needed to complete this installation.{{ Folder: [3]. System error code: [2]}}Could not create key: [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. Could not open key: [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. Could not delete value [2] from key [3]. {{ System error [4].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. Could not delete key [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. Could not read value [2] from key [3]. {{ System error [4].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. Could not write value [2] to key [3]. {{ System error [4].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.Could not get value names for key [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.Could not get sub key names for key [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.Could not read security information for key [2]. {{ System error [3].}} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.Could not increase the available registry space. [2] KB of free registry space is required for the installation of this application.Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.Error accessing secured data. Please make sure the Windows Installer is configured properly and try the install again.User '[2]' has previously initiated an install for product '[3]'. That user will need to run that install again before they can use that product. Your current install will now continue.User '[2]' has previously initiated an install for product '[3]'. That user will need to run that install again before they can use that product.Out of disk space -- Volume: '[2]'; required space: [3] KB; available space: [4] KB. Free some disk space and retry.Are you sure you want to cancel?The file [2][3] is being held in use{ by the following process: Name: [4], Id: [5], Window Title: '[6]'}. Close that application and retry.The product '[2]' is already installed, preventing the installation of this product. The two products are incompatible.There is not enough disk space on the volume '[2]' to continue the install with recovery enabled. [3] KB are required, but only [4] KB are available. Click Ignore to continue the install without saving recovery information, click Retry to check for available space again, or click Cancel to quit the installation.Could not access network location [2].The following applications should be closed before continuing the install:Could not find any previously installed compliant products on the machine for installing this product.An error occurred while applying security settings. [2] is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, or a problem connecting to a domain controller on the network. Check your network connection and click Retry, or Cancel to end the install. {{Unable to locate the user's SID, system error [3]}}The key [2] is not valid. Verify that you entered the correct key.The installer must restart your system before configuration of [2] can continue. Click Yes to restart now or No if you plan to manually restart later.You must restart your system for the configuration changes made to [2] to take effect. Click Yes to restart now or No if you plan to manually restart later.An installation for [2] is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you want to undo those changes?A previous installation for this product is in progress. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you want to undo those changes?An installation package for the product [2] cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package '[3]'.Installation completed successfully.Installation failed.Product: [2] -- [3]You may either restore your computer to its previous state or continue the install later. Would you like to restore?An error occurred while writing installation information to disk. Check to make sure enough disk space is available, and click Retry, or Cancel to end the install.One or more of the files required to restore your computer to its previous state could not be found. Restoration will not be possible.[2] cannot install one of its required products. Contact your technical support group. {{System Error: [3].}}The older version of [2] cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group. {{System Error [3].}}Installed [2]Configured [2]Removed [2]File [2] was rejected by digital signature policy.The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. {{Custom action [2] script error [3], [4]: [5] Line [6], Column [7], [8] }}There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. {{Action: [2], location: [3], command: [4] }}There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. {{Action [2], location: [3], command: [4] }}There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. {{Action [2], entry: [3], library: [4] }}Removal completed successfully.Removal failed.Advertisement completed successfully.Advertisement failed.Configuration completed successfully.Configuration failed.You must be an Administrator to remove this application. To remove this application, you can log on as an Administrator, or contact your technical support group for assistance.The path [2] is not valid. Please specify a valid path.There is no disk in drive [2]. Please insert one and click Retry, or click Cancel to go back to the previously selected volume.There is no disk in drive [2]. Please insert one and click Retry, or click Cancel to return to the browse dialog and select a different volume.The folder [2] does not exist. Please enter a path to an existing folder.You have insufficient privileges to read this folder.A valid destination folder for the install could not be determined.Error attempting to read from the source install database: [2].Scheduling reboot operation: Renaming file [2] to [3]. Must reboot to complete operation.Scheduling reboot operation: Deleting file [2]. Must reboot to complete operation.Module [2] failed to register. HRESULT [3]. Contact your support personnel.Module [2] failed to unregister. HRESULT [3]. Contact your support personnel.Failed to cache package [2]. Error: [3]. Contact your support personnel.Could not register font [2]. Verify that you have sufficient permissions to install fonts, and that the system supports this font.Could not unregister font [2]. Verify that you that you have sufficient permissions to remove fonts.Could not create Shortcut [2]. Verify that the destination folder exists and that you can access it.Could not remove Shortcut [2]. Verify that the shortcut file exists and that you can access it.Could not register type library for file [2]. Contact your support personnel.Could not unregister type library for file [2]. Contact your support personnel.Could not update the ini file [2][3]. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.Could not schedule file [2] to replace file [3] on reboot. Verify that you have write permissions to file [3].Error removing ODBC driver manager, ODBC error [2]: [3]. Contact your support personnel.Error installing ODBC driver manager, ODBC error [2]: [3]. Contact your support personnel.Error removing ODBC driver: [4], ODBC error [2]: [3]. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to remove ODBC drivers.Error installing ODBC driver: [4], ODBC error [2]: [3]. Verify that the file [4] exists and that you can access it.Error configuring ODBC data source: [4], ODBC error [2]: [3]. Verify that the file [4] exists and that you can access it.Service '[2]' ([3]) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.Service '[2]' ([3]) could not be stopped. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to stop system services.Service '[2]' ([3]) could not be deleted. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to remove system services.Service '[2]' ([3]) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.Could not update environment variable '[2]'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to modify environment variables.You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation.Could not set file security for file '[3]'. Error: [2]. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to modify the security permissions for this file.Component Services (COM+ 1.0) are not installed on this computer. This installation requires Component Services in order to complete successfully. Component Services are available on Windows 2000.Error registering COM+ Application. Contact your support personnel for more information.Error unregistering COM+ Application. Contact your support personnel for more information.The description for service '[2]' ([3]) could not be changed.The Windows Installer service cannot update the system file [2] because the file is protected by Windows. You may need to update your operating system for this program to work correctly. {{Package version: [3], OS Protected version: [4]}}The Windows Installer service cannot update the protected Windows file [2]. {{Package version: [3], OS Protected version: [4], SFP Error: [5]}}The Windows Installer service cannot update one or more protected Windows files. {{SFP Error: [2]. List of protected files:\r\n[3]}}User installations are disabled via policy on the machine.An error occured during the installation of assembly component [2]. HRESULT: [3]. {{assembly interface: [4], function: [5], assembly name: [6]}}LibID: [1]Unregistering type librariesApplication: [1], Command line: [2]Removing applicationsInitializing ODBC directoriesService: [1]Starting servicesFile: [1], Folder: [2]Unregistering modulesStopping servicesShortcut: [1]Removing shortcutsFont: [1]Unregistering fontsFile: [1], Directory: [9]Removing moved filesUnmoveFilesAppId: [1]{{, AppType: [2]}}Unregistering COM+ Applications and ComponentsFile: [1], Section: [2], Key: [3], Value: [4]Removing INI files entriesFile: [1], Directory: [2], Size: [3]Patching filesSearching for qualifying productsFile: [1]Binding executablesProperty: [1], Signature: [2]Searching for installed applicationsFound application: [1]Searching for related applicationsFree space: [1]Allocating registry spaceFolder: [1]Removing foldersRemoving filesClass Id: [1]Unregister Class serversRemoving ODBC componentsRegistering type librariesRemoving duplicated files[1]Registering userService: [2]Installing new servicesApplication: [1]Migrating feature states from related applicationsEvaluating launch conditionsUpdating component registrationAppId: [1]{{, AppType: [2], Users: [3], RSN: [4]}}Registering COM+ Applications and ComponentsExtension: [1]Unregistering extension serversFile: [1], Directory: [9], Size: [6]Moving filesRegistering modulesCopying new filesFeature: [1]Unpublishing Product FeaturesRegistering fontsRegistering productComponent ID: [1], Qualifier: [2]Unpublishing Qualified ComponentsInstalling ODBC componentsUnpublishing product informationUnpublishProductRemoving backup filesRollbackCleanupRolling back action:RollbackApplication Context:[1], Assembly Name:[2]Unpublising assembly informationMsiUnpublishAssembliesPublishing assembly informationMsiPublishAssembliesKey: [1], Name: [2]Removing system registry valuesFile: [1], Dependencies: [2]Installing system catalogInstallSFPCatalogFileProgId: [1]Registering program identifiersName: [1], Value: [2], Action [3]Updating environment stringsMIME Content Type: [1], Extension: [2]Registering MIME infoGenerating script operations for action:GenerateScriptRegistering extension serversAdvertising applicationAdvertiseRegistering Class serversPublishing product informationPublishing Product FeaturesPublishing Qualified ComponentsKey: [1], Name: [2], Value: [3]Writing system registry valuesCreating shortcutsWriting INI files valuesComputing space requirementsUnregistering program identifiersCreating duplicate filesCreating foldersDeleting servicesUnregistering MIME infoFile: [1], Directory: [9], Size: [6]Copying network install filesValidating installLaunchConditionLocalizable text to display when condition fails and install must abort.Expression which must evaluate to TRUE in order for install to commence.MSXML4.0 is not supported on Windows 95 NOT (Version9X = 400) ALLUSERSRegLocatorSignature_RootThe registry value name.An integer value that determines if the registry value is a filename or a directory location or to be used as is w/o interpretation.The table key. The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature table. If the type is 0, the registry values refers a directory, and _Signature is not a foreign key.The key for the registry value.RegPathThe predefined root key for the registry value, one of rrkEnum.WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1_WinHTTP51StringThe property associated with a SignatureThe Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature, RegLocator, IniLocator, CompLocator and the DrLocator tables.Signature;RegLocator;IniLocator;DrLocator;CompLocatorSignatureFileNameMinVersionMaxVersionMinSizeMaxSizeMinDateMaxDateLanguagesThe name of the file. This may contain a "short name|long name" pair.FilenameThe table key. The Signature represents a unique file signature.The languages supported by the file.LanguageThe maximum creation date of the file.The maximum size of the file. The maximum version of the file.The minimum creation date of the file.The minimum size of the file.The minimum version of the file.WINHTTP_51{7CE723E3-E56B-432C-9F24-78C0606045A5}UpgradeCodeFeatureFeature_ParentDisplayLevelDirectory_Longer descriptive text describing a visible feature item.Feature attributes0;1;2;4;5;6;8;9;10;16;17;18;20;21;22;24;25;26;32;33;34;36;37;38;48;49;50;52;53;54Primary key used to identify a particular feature record.The name of the Directory that can be configured by the UI. A non-null value will enable the browse button.UpperCaseDirectoryThe install level at which record will be initially selected. An install level of 0 will disable an item and prevent its display.Short text identifying a visible feature item.Numeric sort order, used to force a specific display ordering.Optional key of a parent record in the same table. If the parent is not selected, then the record will not be installed. Null indicates a root item.Microsoft XML ParserMSXMLFeatureComponentsFeature_Component_Foreign key into Feature table.Foreign key into Component table.ComponentRememberInstallFolderMicrosoft XML Parser (global installation)MSXML (global installation)MSXMLSYSMicrosoft XML Parser (WinHTTP Support)MSXML (WinHTTP Support)MSXMLSUPPExpression evaluated to determine if Level in the Feature table is to change.Reference to a Feature entry in Feature table.New selection Level to set in Feature table if Condition evaluates to TRUE.(WINHTTP_51 OR (VersionNT > 501 ))Microsoft XML Parser (ProxyCfg Support)MSXML (ProxyCfg Support)MSXMLSUPP2Microsoft XML Parser (side by side installation)MSXML (side by side)MSXMLSXSVersionNT < 501 XML SDKXMLSDKMediaDiskIdLastSequenceDiskPromptCabinetVolumeLabelSourceThe property defining the location of the cabinet file.If some or all of the files stored on the media are compressed in a cabinet, the name of that cabinet.Primary key, integer to determine sort order for table.Disk name: the visible text actually printed on the disk. This will be used to prompt the user when this disk needs to be inserted.File sequence number for the last file for this media.The label attributed to the identifier for directory entry, primary key. If a property by this name is defined, it contains the full path to the directory.The default sub-path under parent's path.Reference to the entry in this table specifying the default parent directory. A record parented to itself or with a Null parent represents a root of the install tree.SourceDir.DesktopFolderPrograms:.ProgramFilesFolderMSXML4|MSXML 4.0:redistCreateFolderForeign key into the Component table.Primary key, could be foreign key into the Directory table.ComponentIdKeyPathA conditional statement that will disable this component if the specified condition evaluates to the 'True' state. If a component is disabled, it will not be installed, regardless of the 'Action' state associated with the component.Remote execution option, one of irsEnumPrimary key used to identify a particular component record.A string GUID unique to this component, version, and language.GuidRequired key of a Directory table record. This is actually a property name whose value contains the actual path, set either by the AppSearch action or with the default setting obtained from the Directory table.Either the primary key into the File table, Registry table, or ODBCDataSource table. This extract path is stored when the component is installed, and is used to detect the presence of the component and to return the path to it.File;Registry;ODBCDataSource{4075CDF6-D88F-4F57-AF1A-29A124755695}Path{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff1\stshfdbch0\stshfloch0\stshfhich0\stshfbi0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman{\*\falt Times};}
{\f42\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2{\*\panose 020b0506020202030204}Arial Narrow;}{\f45\froman\fcharset238\fprq2 Times New Roman CE{\*\falt Times};}{\f46\froman\fcharset204\fprq2 Times New Roman Cyr{\*\falt Times};}
{\f48\froman\fcharset161\fprq2 Times New Roman Greek{\*\falt Times};}{\f49\froman\fcharset162\fprq2 Times New Roman Tur{\*\falt Times};}{\f50\froman\fcharset177\fprq2 Times New Roman (Hebrew){\*\falt Times};}
{\f51\froman\fcharset178\fprq2 Times New Roman (Arabic){\*\falt Times};}{\f52\froman\fcharset186\fprq2 Times New Roman Baltic{\*\falt Times};}{\f53\froman\fcharset163\fprq2 Times New Roman (Vietnamese){\*\falt Times};}
\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \fs20\lang1024\langfe1024\cgrid\langnp1024\langfenp1024 \snext11 \ssemihidden Normal Table;}{\s15\ql \li0\ri0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin0\itap0
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{\title END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR MICROSOFT SOFTWARE}{\author Karen Luecking (LCA)}{\operator Karen Luecking (LCA)}{\creatim\yr2001\mo10\dy19\hr17\min13}{\revtim\yr2001\mo10\dy19\hr17\min15}{\printim\yr2001\mo10\dy19\hr17\min15}{\version4}{\edmins3}
{\nofpages4}{\nofwords2563}{\nofchars14610}{\*\company Microsoft Corporation}{\nofcharsws17139}{\vern16443}}\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\noxlattoyen\expshrtn\noultrlspc\dntblnsbdb\nospaceforul\hyphcaps0\horzdoc\dghspace120\dgvspace120\dghorigin1701
\b\caps\fs20\expnd-1\expndtw-5\kerning16\insrsid9454997\charrsid6510551 Microsoft xml CORE SERVICES (MSXML) 4.0
\par }\pard\plain \qj \li0\ri360\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin360\lin0\itap0 \f1\fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\f0\fs18\expnd0\expndtw-4\insrsid9454997 IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This Microsoft End-User License Agreement (\'93EULA\'94
) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Microsoft Corporation for the Microsoft software identified above, which may include computer software, associated media, printed materials, and \'93online\'94
or electronic documentation (\'93SOFTWARE\'94). By downloading, installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the SOFTWARE.
\par The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. Microsoft or its suppliers own the title, copyright and other intellectual property rights in the SOFTWARE. }{
\b\f0\fs18\expnd0\expndtw-4\insrsid9454997 The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold.
\par The SOFTWARE consists of two elements: (1) XML Core Services component (\'93COMPONENT\'94) which contains, among other items, files with \'93.dll\'94 extensions which expose application programming interfaces that p
rovide implementation to read, write, transform and make other manipulations with XML; and (2) MSXML software development kit (\'93SDK\'94
) which may include documentation, sample code, and other information designed to assist in the development of your applications.
\par }\pard \qj \fi-360\li360\ri0\sa60\nowidctlpar\tx360\faauto\rin0\lin360\itap0 {\b\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 1.\tab GRANT OF LICENSE.}{\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 This EULA grants you the following rights:
You may install and use any number of copies of the SOFTWARE on any number of computers, including workstations, terminals or other digital electronic devices, for the purp
ose of designing, developing and testing your application(s) which work in conjunction with XML (\'93Application(s)\'94).
\par }\pard \qj \fi-360\li720\ri360\sa60\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin360\lin720\itap0 {\b\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 b.\tab Sample Code. }{\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 You may modify the portions of the SDK designated as \'93Sample Code\'94
for the purpose of designing, developing and testing your Application.
You may copy and redistribute the SOFTWARE (in its entirety) and/or the COMPONENT (in its entirety) either in conjunction with your Application or standalone in and of itself, subject to the following restrictions and limitations:
If you redistribute the SOFTWARE and/or COMPONENT in their entirety, your copy must be a true and complete copy of the SOFTWARE and/or COMPONENT, including Microsoft\rquote s set up and all copyright notices, logos, end
user license agreement and/or trademarks that appear in the SOFTWARE and/or COMPONENT as received from Microsoft;
\par }\pard \qj \fi-540\li1260\ri360\sb60\sl180\slmult0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin360\lin1260\itap0 {\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 (ii)\tab If you redistribute the SOFTWARE and/
or COMPONENT in conjunction with your Application, your Application must include a valid copyright notice in your own name, which notice shall be sufficient to protect Microsoft\rquote s copyright in the SOFTWARE and/or COMPONENT;
\par (iii)\tab If you redistribute the SOFTWARE and/or COMPONENT in conjunction with your Application, and if your Application does not display Microsoft\rquote
s end user license agreement to your end user, then your Application must be accompanied by license terms that are at least as restrictive as, and as protective of Microsoft as, those contained in this EULA.;
\par (iv)\tab You shall not use Microsoft\rquote s name, logo or trademarks to market your Application;
\par (v)\tab You shall not modify or alter the SOFTWARE and/or COMPONENT in any way; provided that you may merge those files in the SOFTWARE and/or COMPONENT with \'93msm\'94 extensions into the \'93msm\'94 files of your Application;
\par (vi)\tab You shall not redistribute individual parts or files of the COMPONENT; you must redistribute the COMPONENT in its entirety;
\par (vii)\tab You shall not redistribute the SDK separately; the SDK may only be redistributed as part of the SOFTWARE in its entirety; and
\par (viii)\tab You agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Microsoft from and against any claims or lawsuits, including reasonable attorneys\rquote f
ees, which arise or result from your distribution of the SOFTWARE and/or COMPONENT and/or your Application.
\par }\pard \qj \fi-360\li720\ri360\sb60\sl180\slmult0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin360\lin720\itap0 {\b\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 d.\tab Redistribution of Sample Code as Modified by You. }{\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997
You may copy and redistribute any Sample Code that you have modified as described in Section 1(b) above and incorporated into your Application, in both source code form and object code form, subject to the following restrictions and limitations:
\par }\pard \qj \fi-540\li1260\ri360\sb60\sl180\slmult0\nowidctlpar\tx1260\faauto\rin360\lin1260\itap0 {\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 (i)\tab You shall distribute the modified Sample Code only in conjunction with and as part of an Application
that adds significant and primary functionality to the Sample Code;
\par }\pard \qj \fi-540\li1260\ri360\sb60\sl180\slmult0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin360\lin1260\itap0 {\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 (ii)\tab You shall not use Microsoft\rquote s name, logo or trademarks to market your Application;
\par (iii)\tab You shall to include a valid copyright notice in your own name in your Application, which notice shall be sufficient to protect Microsoft\rquote s copyright in the modified Sample Code; and
You agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Microsoft from and against any claims or lawsuits including reasonable attorneys\rquote fees, which arise or result from the use or distribution of the modified Sample Code and/or your Application.
Your license rights to the SOFTWARE are conditioned upon your (a) not incorporating Identified Software into, or combining Identified Software with, the
SOFTWARE, or a derivative work thereof; (b) not distributing Identified Software in conjunction with the SOFTWARE; and (c) not using Identified Software in the development of a derivative work of the SOFTWARE. \'93Identified Software\'94
means software which i
s licensed pursuant to terms that directly or indirectly (i) create, or purport to create, obligations for Microsoft with respect to the SOFTWARE or derivative work thereof or (ii) grant, or purport to grant, to any third party any rights or immunities un
der Microsoft\rquote
s intellectual property or proprietary rights in the SOFTWARE or derivative work thereof. Identified Software includes, without limitation, any software that requires as a condition of use, modification and/or distribution of such software
that other software incorporated into, derived from or distributed with such software be (a) disclosed or distributed in source code form; (b) be licensed for the purpose of making derivative works; or (c) be redistributable at no charge.
\par }{\b\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 f.}{\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 \tab }{\b\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 Benchmark Testing. }{\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 You may not disclose the results of any benchmark test }{\f0\fs18\insrsid10891376 using the }{\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997
SOFTWARE to any third party without Microsoft\rquote s prior written approval. }{\b\i\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997
\par }\pard \qj \fi-360\li720\ri360\sb60\sl180\slmult0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin360\lin720\itap0 {\b\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 g.\tab Reservation of Rights.}{\f0\fs18\insrsid9454997 Microsoft reserves all rights not expressly granted herein.
\par }\pard \qj \fi-360\li360\ri0\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin360\itap0 {\b\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 2.\tab LIMITATIONS ON REVERSE ENGINEERING, DECOMPILATION, AND DISASSEMBLY.}{\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.
\par }{\b\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 3.\tab NO RENTAL.}{\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 You may not rent, lease, or lend the SOFTWARE.
\par }{\b\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 4.\tab SUPPORT SERVICES.}{\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 In the event Microsoft does provide you with support services related to the SOFTWARE (\'93Support Services\'94
), use of such Support Services is governed by the Microsoft policies and programs described in the user manual, in \'93online\'94
documentation, and/or in other Microsoft-provided materials. Any supplemental software code provided to you as part of the Support Services shall be considered part of the SOFTWARE and subject to
the terms and conditions of this EULA. With respect to technical information you provide to Microsoft as part of the Support Services, Microsoft may use such information for its business purposes, including for product support and development. Microsoft
will not utilize such technical information in a form that personally identifies you.
Without prejudice to any other rights, Microsoft may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE and all of its component parts.
. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the SOFTWARE (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text and \'93applets\'94
incorporated into the SOFTWARE), and any copies you are permitted to make herein are owned by Microsoft or its suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the SO
FTWARE is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content.
\par }\pard \qj \fi-360\li360\ri0\sb40\nowidctlpar\faauto\rin0\lin360\itap0 {\b\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 7.\tab U.S. GOVERNMENT LICENSE RIGHTS}{\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 . SOFTWARE provide
d to the U.S. Government pursuant to solicitations issued on or after December 1, 1995 is provided with the commercial license rights and restrictions described elsewhere herein. SOFTWARE provided to the U.S. Government pursuant to solicitations issued p
rior to December 1, 1995 is provided with \'93Restricted Rights\'94 as provided for in FAR, 48 CFR 52.227-14 (JUNE 1987) or DFAR, 48 CFR 252.227-7013 (OCT 1988), as applicable.
\par }{\b\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 8.\tab EXPORT RESTRICTIONS}{\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 . You agree that the SOFTWARE is subject to U.S. export jurisdi
ction. You agree to comply with all applicable international and national laws that apply to the SOFTWARE including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, as well as end-user, end use and destination restrictions issued by the U.S. and other governm
ents. For additional information see
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Microsoft and its suppliers provide the SOFTWARE and any (if any) Support Services }{\b\i\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS}{
, and hereby disclaim all warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of lack of viruses, of
accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, and of lack of negligence or lack of workmanlike effort, all with regard to the SOFTWARE, and the provision of or failure to provide Support Services. ALSO, THERE IS NO WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF TITLE, QU
\par }{\b\caps\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 10. EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL AND CERTAIN OTHER DAMAGES}{\caps\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 . }{\b\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES. Notwithstanding any damages that you might incur for any reason whatsoever (including, without limitation, all damages referenced above and all direct or general damages), the entire liability of Microsoft and any o
f its suppliers under any provision of this EULA and your exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to the greater of the amount actually paid by you for the SOFTWARE or U.S.$5.00. The foregoing limitations, exclusions and disclaimers sh
all apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, even if any remedy fails its essential purpose.
\par 12.\tab APPLICABLE LAW. }{\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 If you acquired this SOFTWARE in the United States, this EULA is governed by the laws of the State of Washington. If you acqui
red this SOFTWARE in Canada, unless expressly prohibited by local law, this EULA is governed by the laws in force in the Province of Ontario, Canada; and, in respect of any dispute which may arise hereunder, you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal
and provincial courts sitting in Toronto, Ontario. If this SOFTWARE was acquired outside the United States, then local law may apply.
\par }{\b\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 13.\tab ENTIRE AGREEMENT. }{\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 This EULA (including any addendum or amendment to this EULA which is included with the SOFTWARE) is
the entire agreement between you and Microsoft relating to the SOFTWARE and the Support Services (if any) and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written communications, proposals and representations with respect to the SOFTWARE or any oth
er subject matter covered by this EULA. To the extent the terms of any Microsoft policies or programs for Support Services conflict with the terms of this EULA, the terms of this EULA shall control.
\par }{\b\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 14. }{\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 \tab }{\b\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 QUESTIONS? }{\f0\fs18\expnd-1\expndtw-5\insrsid9454997 Should you have any questions concerning
this EULA, or if you desire to contact Microsoft for any reason, please contact the Microsoft subsidiary serving your country, or write: Microsoft Sales Information Center/One Microsoft Way/Redmond, WA 98052-6399.
\par }{\b\f0\fs18\lang1040\langfe1033\langnp1040\insrsid9454997 Si vous avez acquis votre produit Microsoft au CANADA, la garantie limit\'e9e suivante vous concerne :
\par RENONCIATION AUX GARANTIES. }{\f0\fs16\lang3084\langfe1033\langnp3084\insrsid9454997 Dans }{\f0\fs18\lang3084\langfe1033\langnp3084\insrsid9454997 toute la mesure permise par la l\'e9
gislation en vigueur, Microsoft et ses fournisseurs fournissent le PRODUIT LOGICIEL et tous (selon le cas) Services d\rquote assistance TELS QUELS ET AVEC TOUS LEURS D\'c9FAUTS, et par les pr\'e9
sentes excluent toute garantie ou condition, expresse ou implicite, l\'e9gale ou conventionnelle, \'e9crite ou verbale, y compris, mais sans limitation, toute (selon le cas) garantie ou condition implicite ou l\'e9gale de qualit\'e9
marchande, de conformit\'e9 \'e0 un usage particulier, d\rquote absence de virus, d\rquote exactitude et d\rquote int\'e9gralit\'e9 des r\'e9ponses, de r\'e9sultats, d\rquote efforts techniques et professionnels et d\rquote absence de n\'e9
gligence, le tout relativement au PRODUIT LOGICIEL et \'e0 la prestation ou \'e0 la non-prestation des Services d\rquote assistance. }{\f0\fs18\lang3082\langfe1033\langnp3082\insrsid9454997 DE PLUS, IL N\rquote
\rquote utilisation et de la performance du PRODUIT LOGICIEL et ceux d\'e9coulant des Services d\rquote assistance (s\rquote il y a lieu)}{\b\f0\fs16\lang3084\langfe1033\langnp3084\insrsid9454997 .
\par EXCLUSION DES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS, ACCESSOIRES ET AUTRES. }{\f0\fs18\lang3084\langfe1033\langnp3084\insrsid9454997 Dans toute la mesure permise par la l\'e9
gislation en vigueur, Microsoft et ses fournisseurs ne sont en aucun cas responsables de tout dommage sp\'e9cial, indirect, accessoire, moral ou exemplaire quel qu\rquote il soit (y compris, mais sans limitation, les dommages entra\'een\'e9
s par la perte de b\'e9n\'e9fices ou la perte d\rquote information confidentielle ou autre, l\rquote interruption des affaires, les pr\'e9judices corporels, la perte de confidentialit\'e9, le d\'e9
faut de remplir toute obligation y compris les obligations de bonne foi et de diligence raisonnable, la n\'e9gligence et toute autre perte p\'e9cuniaire ou autre perte de quelque nature que ce soit) d\'e9coulant de, ou de toute autre mani\'e8re li\'e9
\'e0, l\rquote utilisation ou l\rquote impossibilit\'e9 d\rquote utiliser le PRODUIT LOGICIEL, la prestation ou la non-prestation des Services d\rquote assistance ou autrement en vertu de ou relativement \'e0
toute disposition de cette convention, que ce soit en cas de faute, de d\'e9lit (y compris la n\'e9gligence), de responsabilit\'e9 stricte, de manquement \'e0 un contrat ou de manquement \'e0 une garantie de Microsoft ou de l\rquote
un de ses fournisseurs, et ce, m\'eame si Microsoft ou l\rquote un de ses fournisseurs a \'e9t\'e9 avis\'e9 de la possibilit\'e9 de tels dommages.}{\b\f0\fs16\lang3084\langfe1033\langnp3084\insrsid9454997
\par LIMITATION DE RESPONSABILIT\'c9 ET RECOURS. }{\f0\fs18\lang3084\langfe1033\langnp3084\insrsid9454997 Malgr\'e9 tout dommage que vous pourriez encourir pour quelque raison que ce soit (y compris, mais sans limitation, tous les dommages mentionn\'e9
s ci-dessus et tous les dommages directs et g\'e9n\'e9raux), la seule responsabilit\'e9 de Microsoft et de ses fournisseurs en vertu de toute disposition de cette convention et votre unique recours en regard de tout ce qui pr\'e9c\'e8de sont limit\'e9
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appliquent dans toute la mesure permise par la l\'e9gislation en vigueur, et ce m\'eame si leur application a pour effet de priver un recours de son essence.}{\b\f0\fs16\lang3084\langfe1033\langnp3084\insrsid9454997
\par L\'c9GISLATION APPLICABLE.}{\f0\fs16\lang3084\langfe1033\langnp3084\insrsid9454997 . Sauf }{\f0\fs18\lang3082\langfe1033\langnp3082\insrsid9454997 lorsqu\rquote express\'e9ment prohib\'e9 par la l\'e9gislation locale, la pr\'e9sente convention est r\'e9
gie par les lois en vigueur dans la province d\rquote Ontario, Canada. Pour tout diff\'e9rend qui pourrait d\'e9couler des pr\'e9sentes, vous acceptez la comp\'e9tence des tribunaux f\'e9d\'e9raux et provinciaux si\'e9geant \'e0 Toronto, }{
\par }{\f0\fs18\lang3084\langfe1033\langnp3084\insrsid9454997 Si vous avez des questions concernant cette convention ou si vous d\'e9
sirez communiquer avec Microsoft pour quelque raison que ce soit, veuillez contacter la succursale Microsoft desservant votre pays, ou \'e9crire \'e0: Microsoft Sales Information Center, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052-6399.}{
\par }}ModuleIDVersionMSXML_SYS.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7SystemFolder.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7SystemCustomActionTarget[SystemFolder]FileFileSizemsxml4.dllMSXML4_System.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7msxml4.dll.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B74.10.9404.0msxml4r.dllMSXML4_SystemRes.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7msxml4r.dll.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7msxml4a.dllMSXML4_ANSI.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7msxml4a.dll.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Module identifier (String.GUID).Default decimal language of module.Version of the module.The numeric custom action type, consisting of source location, code type, entry, option flags.Primary key, name of action, normally appears in sequence table unless private use.The table reference of the source of the code.CustomSourceExcecution parameter, depends on the type of custom actionList of decimal language Ids, comma-separated if more than one.Version string for versioned files; Blank for unversioned files.Foreign key referencing Component that controls the file.Sequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet order.Primary key, non-localized token, must match identifier in cabinet. For uncompressed files, this field is ignored.File name used for installation, may be localized. This may contain a "short name|long name" pair.Size of file in bytes (long integer).Integer containing bit flags representing file attributes (with the decimal value of each bit position in parentheses)Primary key, foreign key into File table referencing file with this hashFile_MsiFileHashVarious options and attributes for this hash.OptionsHashPart1HashPart2HashPart3HashPart4RegistryForeign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the registry value.Primary key, non-localized token.The registry value.The language of the library.TypeLibThe version of the library. The minor version is in the lower 8 bits of the integer. The major version is in the next 16 bits. Required foreign key into the Feature Table, specifying the feature to validate or install in order for the type library to be operational.Required foreign key into the Component Table, specifying the component for which to return a path when called through LocateComponent.The GUID that represents the library.LibIDOptional. The foreign key into the Directory table denoting the path to the help file for the type library.The cost associated with the registration of the typelib. This column is currently optional.CostModule containing the component.ModuleComponentsDefault language ID for module (may be changed by transform).Component contained in the module.{4B1F71A7-50C6-44B7-A3AD-B6C3574BB896}{62846705-2671-4547-AB45-854DCC93B3C7} Version9X {3AAE95CD-F592-46E7-89A1-9B56717C4413}XML DOM Document 4.0CLSID\{88D969C0-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}r0.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7[#msxml4.dll.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7]CLSID\{88D969C0-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\InProcServer32r1.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7BothThreadingModelr2.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0CLSID\{88D969C0-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\ProgIDr3.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B74.0CLSID\{88D969C0-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\Versionr4.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{F5078F18-C551-11D3-89B9-0000F81FE221}CLSID\{88D969C0-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\TypeLibr5.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r6.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{88D969C0-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0\CLSIDr7.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Free Threaded XML DOM Document 4.0CLSID\{88D969C1-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}r8.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C1-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\InProcServer32r9.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r10.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.4.0CLSID\{88D969C1-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\ProgIDr11.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C1-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\Versionr12.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C1-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\TypeLibr13.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r14.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{88D969C1-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}Msxml2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument.4.0\CLSIDr15.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7XML Data Source Object 4.0CLSID\{88D969C4-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}r16.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C4-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\InProcServer32r17.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Apartmentr18.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.DSOControl.4.0CLSID\{88D969C4-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\ProgIDr19.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C4-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\Versionr20.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C4-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\TypeLibr21.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r22.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{88D969C4-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}Msxml2.DSOControl.4.0\CLSIDr23.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7XML HTTP 4.0CLSID\{88D969C5-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}r24.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C5-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\InProcServer32r25.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r26.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0CLSID\{88D969C5-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\ProgIDr27.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C5-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\Versionr28.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C5-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\TypeLibr29.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r30.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{88D969C5-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0\CLSIDr31.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Server XML HTTP 4.0CLSID\{88D969C6-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}r32.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C6-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\InProcServer32r33.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r34.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0CLSID\{88D969C6-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\ProgIDr35.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C6-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\Versionr36.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C6-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\TypeLibr37.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r38.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{88D969C6-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0\CLSIDr39.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7XML Schema Cache 4.0CLSID\{88D969C2-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}r40.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C2-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\InProcServer32r41.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r42.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.XMLSchemaCache.4.0CLSID\{88D969C2-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\ProgIDr43.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C2-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\Versionr44.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r45.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{88D969C2-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}Msxml2.XMLSchemaCache.4.0\CLSIDr46.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7XSL Template 4.0CLSID\{88D969C3-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}r47.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C3-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\InProcServer32r48.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r49.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.XSLTemplate.4.0CLSID\{88D969C3-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\ProgIDr50.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C3-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\Versionr51.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r52.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{88D969C3-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}Msxml2.XSLTemplate.4.0\CLSIDr53.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7SAX XML Reader 4.0CLSID\{7C6E29BC-8B8B-4C3D-859E-AF6CD158BE0F}r54.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{7C6E29BC-8B8B-4C3D-859E-AF6CD158BE0F}\InProcServer32r55.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r56.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.SAXXMLReader.4.0CLSID\{7C6E29BC-8B8B-4C3D-859E-AF6CD158BE0F}\ProgIDr57.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{7C6E29BC-8B8B-4C3D-859E-AF6CD158BE0F}\Versionr58.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r59.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{7C6E29BC-8B8B-4C3D-859E-AF6CD158BE0F}Msxml2.SAXXMLReader.4.0\CLSIDr60.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7MX XML Reader 4.0CLSID\{00B7E0AB-817A-44AD-A04B-D1148D524136}r61.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{00B7E0AB-817A-44AD-A04B-D1148D524136}\InProcServer32r62.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r63.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7MXXMLWriter 4.0CLSID\{88D969C8-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}r64.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C8-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\InProcServer32r65.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r66.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.MXXMLWriter.4.0CLSID\{88D969C8-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\ProgIDr67.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C8-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\Versionr68.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r69.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{88D969C8-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}Msxml2.MXXMLWriter.4.0\CLSIDr70.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7MXHTMLWriter 4.0CLSID\{88D969C9-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}r71.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C9-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\InProcServer32r72.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r73.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.MXHTMLWriter.4.0CLSID\{88D969C9-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\ProgIDr74.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969C9-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\Versionr75.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r76.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{88D969C9-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}Msxml2.MXHTMLWriter.4.0\CLSIDr77.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7SAXAttributes 4.0CLSID\{88D969CA-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}r78.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969CA-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\InProcServer32r79.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r80.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.SAXAttributes.4.0CLSID\{88D969CA-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\ProgIDr81.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969CA-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\Versionr82.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r83.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{88D969CA-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}Msxml2.SAXAttributes.4.0\CLSIDr84.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7MXNamespaceManager 4.0CLSID\{88D969D6-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}r85.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969D6-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\InProcServer32r86.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r87.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Msxml2.MXNamespaceManager.4.0CLSID\{88D969D6-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\ProgIDr88.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7CLSID\{88D969D6-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}\Versionr89.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7r90.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7{88D969D6-F192-11D4-A65F-0040963251E5}Msxml2.MXNamespaceManager.4.0\CLSIDr91.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7Microsoft XML, v4.0SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib\{F5078F18-C551-11D3-89B9-0000F81FE221}\4.0r92.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib\{F5078F18-C551-11D3-89B9-0000F81FE221}\4.0\0r93.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib\{F5078F18-C551-11D3-89B9-0000F81FE221}\4.0\0\win32r94.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib\{F5078F18-C551-11D3-89B9-0000F81FE221}\4.0\FLAGSr95.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7[MSXMLSYS.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B7]SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib\{F5078F18-C551-11D3-89B9-0000F81FE221}\4.0\HELPDIRr96.246EB7AD_459A_4FA8_83D1_41A46D7634B75.0.2613.0WinHTTP50_DLL.781A0624_31FF_4712_BFFD_31C829FFDBF1WINHTTP5.DLLSystemFolder.781A0624_31FF_4712_BFFD_31C829FFDBF1WINHTTP50_COMPONENT.781A0624_31FF_4712_BFFD_31C829FFDBF1WINHTTP50_FILE.781A0624_31FF_4712_BFFD_31C829FFDBF1Foreign key into the File table denoting the module that needs to be registered.SelfRegThe cost of registering the module.VersionNT>=400{E9BC82F6-AC0E-407C-8666-619D6D60DF2B}PROXYCFG_EXE.FA0F135B_0C6B_485B_9A27_5A4A5044D5ABPROXYCFG.EXESystemFolder.FA0F135B_0C6B_485B_9A27_5A4A5044D5ABPROXYCFG_COMPONENT.FA0F135B_0C6B_485B_9A27_5A4A5044D5ABPROXYCFG_FILE.FA0F135B_0C6B_485B_9A27_5A4A5044D5ABVersionNT>=400 AND VersionNT<=500{CCF8B6EF-5FB9-4DE1-A276-683008BA3485}|| requiring the dependency.ModuleDependencyLanguage of module requiring the dependency.ModuleLanguageString.GUID of required module.RequiredIDLanguageID of the required module.RequiredLanguageVersion of the required version.RequiredVersionString.GUID of module with exclusion requirement.ModuleExclusionLanguageID of module with exclusion requirement.String.GUID of excluded module.ExcludedIDLanguage of excluded module.ExcludedLanguageMinimum version of excluded module.ExcludedMinVersionMaximum version of excluded module.ExcludedMaxVersionAction to insert into sequence.ModuleAdminExecuteSequenceThe sequence number of a standard action.The BaseAction column is a key into the Action column of this table.BaseActionBoolean for whether Action comes before or after BaseAction.AfterA conditional statement that indicates if the action is be executed.ModuleAdminUISequenceModuleAdvtExecuteSequenceModuleInstallExecuteSequenceModuleInstallUISequenceThe name part of the name-value pairs for the assembly name.MsiAssemblyNameThe value part of the name-value pairs for the assembly name.MsiAssemblyAssembly attributesForeign key into the File table denoting the manifest file for the assembly.File_ManifestForeign key into File table, denoting the application context for private assemblies. Null for global assemblies.File_Application VersionNT >= 501 {303994BA-6487-47AE-AF1D-7AF6088EEBDB}{5617BF49-9195-4C35-B9AD-F8D165DE25BB}Microsoft.MSXML26bd6b9abf345378fpublicKeyTokenversionwin32typex86processorArchitectureMicrosoft.MSXML2R4.1.0.0MSXMLSDK_DOCS.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901[DesktopFolder]DesktopFolder.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901ProgramMenuFolder.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901[ProgramMenuFolder]MSXML4|MSXML 4.0MenuMSXML.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901doc:docDOC.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901lib:libLIB.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901inc:incINC.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901xmlsdk4.chmXMLSDK_Docs.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901xmlsdk4.chm.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901xmlsdk4.chixmlsdk4.chi.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901msxml2.libXMLSDK_LIB.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901msxml2.lib.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901msxml2.hXMLSDK_INC.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901msxml2.h.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901msxml2d.h|msxml2did.hmsxml2did.h.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901msxml2.idlmsxml2.idl.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_596523761901Primary key. Name of the icon file.Binary stream. The binary icon data in PE (.DLL or .EXE) or icon (.ICO) format.The name of the shortcut to be created.ShortcutThe description for the shortcut.Foreign key into the Component table denoting the component whose selection gates the the shortcut creation/deletion.The shortcut target. This is usually a property that is expanded to a file or a folder that the shortcut points to.Foreign key into the Directory table denoting the directory where the shortcut file is created.The command-line arguments for the shortcut.ArgumentsThe hotkey for the shortcut. It has the virtual-key code for the key in the low-order byte, and the modifier flags in the high-order byte. HotkeyForeign key into the File table denoting the external icon file for the shortcut.Icon_The icon index for the shortcut.IconIndexThe show command for the application window.The following values may be used.1;3;7ShowCmdName of property defining location of working directory.WkDir{81754FFD-DA2B-49C6-9447-E1C1E1733BB6}{5E6714E1-EA46-4B0F-B479-06D87058DC74}{57E0F99D-E884-4BD0-B8CB-803CF9EA2066}icon.exeMicrosoft XML 4.0 Parser SDKmsxml4|Microsoft XML 4.0 Parser SDKMSXML4_Parser_SDK_Shortcut_2.4576A2F1_959E_4BCA_94A9_5965237619011.0.0.1COOKDOC.3FB7DAB3_19E7_40A0_8730_4482CE77AC59MICROS~1|Microsoft Shared:MICROS~1|Microsoft SharedCommonFilesFolderMicrosoftShared.3FB7DAB3_19E7_40A0_8730_4482CE77AC59MSDN|MSDN:MSDN|MSDNMSDN.3FB7DAB3_19E7_40A0_8730_4482CE77AC591.0.0.2CookDoc.dllCookDoc_dll.3FB7DAB3_19E7_40A0_8730_4482CE77AC59CookDoc_fo.3FB7DAB3_19E7_40A0_8730_4482CE77AC59PublishComponentQualifierAppDataCLSID\{59CC0C20-679B-11D2-88BD-0800361A1803}\InprocServer32CookDoc_dll.3FB7DAB3_19E7_40A0_8730_4482CE77AC59_r0CLSID\{59CC0C20-679B-11D2-88BD-0800361A1803}\ProgrammableCookDoc_dll.3FB7DAB3_19E7_40A0_8730_4482CE77AC59_r11.0CLSID\{59CC0C20-679B-11D2-88BD-0800361A1803}\VersionCookDoc_dll.3FB7DAB3_19E7_40A0_8730_4482CE77AC59_r2ExtensionProgId_MIME_MIMEContentTypeExtension_CLSIDClassContextProgId_DefaultAppId_FileTypeMaskDefInprocHandlerDevdocCookie ClassCookdoc.DevdocCookie.1InprocServer32{59CC0C20-679B-11D2-88BD-0800361A1803}ProgIdProgId_ParentClass_Cookdoc.DevdocCookieVerbCommandAppIdRemoteServerNameLocalServiceServiceParametersDllSurrogateActivateAtStorageRunAsInteractiveUser{C763CD13-6E1E-4166-8C78-D274B266E9B6}CookDoc 1.0 Type Library{59CC0C12-679B-11D2-88BD-0800361A1803}This is localisable Application specific data that can be associated with a Qualified Component.This is defined only when the ComponentId column is an Qualified Component Id. This is the Qualifier for ProvideComponentIndirect.Foreign key into the Feature table.A string GUID that represents the component id that will be requested by the alien product.Comments that you wish to associate with the given property.EffectISBillBoardDurationISBillboardOriginRequired foreign key into the Feature Table, specifying the feature to validate or install in order for the CLSID factory to be operational.The extension associated with the table row.Optional ProgId associated with this extension.Optional Context identifier, typically "type/format" associated with the extensionPrimary key. Context identifier, typically "type/format".Optional associated extension (without dot)Optional associated CLSID.Class registration attributes.The CLSID of an OLE factory.Optional string containing information for the HKCRthis CLSID) key. If multiple patterns exist, they must be delimited by a semicolon, and numeric subkeys will be generated: 0,1,2...Optional AppID containing DCOM information for associated application (string GUID).Localized description for the Class.Optional ProgId associated with this CLSID.The numeric server context for this server. CLSCTX_xxxxOptional foreign key into the Icon Table, specifying the icon file associated with this CLSID. Will be written under the DefaultIcon key.Optional icon index.optional argument for LocalServers.Optional default inproc handler. Only optionally provided if Context=CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER. Typically "ole32.dll" or "mapi32.dll"1;2;3Localized description for the Program identifier.Optional foreign key into the Icon Table, specifying the icon file associated with this ProgId. Will be written under the DefaultIcon key.The Program Identifier. Primary key.The Parent Program Identifier. If specified, the ProgId column becomes a version independent prog id.The CLSID of an OLE factory corresponding to the ProgId.Order within the verbs for a particular extension. Also used simply to specify the default verb.Optional value for the command arguments.The verb for the command.The command text.InstallShieldNumber that determines the sort order in which the actions are to be executed. Leave blank to suppress action. InitializationSequenceOptional expression which skips the action if evaluates to expFalse.If the expression syntax is invalid, the engine will terminate, returning iesBadActionData. Name of action to invoke, either in the engine or the handler DLL. The .INI file name.IniLocatorKey value (followed by an equals sign in INI file).The field in the .INI line. If Field is null or 0 the entire line is read.FieldSection name within in file (within square brackets in INI file).SectionThe table key. The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature table.An integer value that determines if the .INI value read is a filename or a directory location or to be used as is w/o interpretation.Foreign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the .INI value.IniFileThe .INI file name in which to write the informationThe .INI file key below Section.The value to be written.The .INI file Section.Foreign key into the Directory table denoting the directory where the .INI file is.DirPropertyThe type of modification to be made, one of iifEnum0;1;3Foreign key in HHFilter tableHHFilterHHFilterKeyHHNameSpaceToFilterForeign key in HHNamespace tableHHNameSpaceHHNameSpaceKeyHHNameSpaceToFileForeign key in HHContent tableHHContentHHContentKeyDescription of content fileParent Namespace nameParentNSNamespace nameNamespace_NamePrimary Key for HHNameSpaceNamespace_KeyHxt file nameHxt_Hxa file nameHxa_hxc file name or content file nameCollection_Primary Key for HHFilterDescription for FilterQuery StringQueryStringID for content fileSample Directory nameSAMPLEDIRECTORY_hxs file nameHxs_hxq file nameHXQ_hxi file nameHXI_Primary Key for HHContent TableContent_KeyLanguageIDLangIDForein Key into HelpNamespace table for the parent namespace into which the child will be inserted (required).HelpNamespace_ParentHelpPluginKey for HxT file of parent namespace that now includes the new child namespace (optional).File_ParentHxTKey for HxT file of child namespace (optional).File_HxTKey for HxA (Attributes) file of child namespace (optional).File_HxAForein Key into HelpNamespace table for the child namespace that will be plugged into the parent namespace (required).HelpNamespace_Foreign key into HelpFilter table (required).HelpFilterHelpFilter_HelpFilterToNamespaceForeign key into HelpNamespace table (required).HelpNamespaceFriendly name for Filter (required).Query String for Help Filter (optional).Primary Key for HelpFilter (required).FilterKeyFriendly name for Namespace (optional).Internal Microsoft Help ID for this Namespace (required).NamespaceNamePrimary Key for HelpNamespace (required).NamespaceKeyKey for HxC (Collection) file (required).File_CollectionHelpFileToNamespaceForeign key into HelpFile table (required).HelpFileHelpFile_Language ID for content file (optional).Internal Microsoft Help ID for this HelpFile (required).HelpFileNamePrimary Key for HelpFile Table (required).HelpFileKeyKey for a file that is in the 'root' of the samples directory for this HelpFile (optional).File_SamplesKey for HxS (Title) file (required).File_HxSKey for HxR (Attributes) file (optional).File_HxRKey for HxQ (Query) file (optional).File_HxQKey for HxI (Index) file (optional).File_HxIFont name.FontTitleFontPrimary key, foreign key into File table referencing font file.relative stage path where the file can be foundRelativeStagePathFileSaidFLDB File SAIDFile_SAIDPrimary key, non-localized token, must match identifier in cabinet. For uncompressed files, this field is ignored. The name of the environmental value.EnvironmentForeign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the environmental value.The value to set in the environmental settings.Unique identifier for the environmental variable settingForeign key referencing Component that controls the duplicate file.DuplicateFilePrimary key used to identify a particular file entryFileKeyFilename to be given to the duplicate file.DestNameName of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full pathname to a destination folder.DestFolderForeign key referencing the source file to be duplicated.The parent file signature. It is also a foreign key in the Signature table. If null and the Path column does not expand to a full path, then all the fixed drives of the user system are searched using the Path.ParentDrLocatorThe depth below the path to which the Signature_ is recursively searched. If absent, the depth is assumed to be 0.DepthThe path on the user system. This is a either a subpath below the value of the Parent or a full path. The path may contain properties enclosed within [ ] that will be expanded.AnyPathThe Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature table.Foreign key referencing Component that controls the ComPlus component.ComplusComPlus component attributes.ExpTypeCompLocatorA boolean value that determines if the registry value is a filename or a directory location.ComboBoxA positive integer used to determine the ordering of the items within one list. The integers do not have to be consecutive.A named property to be tied to this item. All the items tied to the same property become part of the same combobox.The value string associated with the item.CheckBoxA named property to be tied to the item.A list of ; delimited paths that represent the paths to be searched for the import DLLS. The list is usually a list of properties each enclosed within square brackets [] .PathsThe index into the File table. This must be an executable file.An external key to the Feature Table. The billboard is shown only if this feature is being installed.BillboardA positive integer. If there is more than one billboard corresponding to an action they will be shown in the order defined by this column.Name of the billboard.The name of an action. The billboard is displayed during the progress messages received from this action.BBControlExternal key to the Billboard table, name of the billboard.Billboard_Name of the control. This name must be unique within a billboard, but can repeat on different billboard.Key to Component table item for applicationComponent_ApplicationIsolatedComponentKey to Component table item to be isolatedComponent_SharedForeign key to the property table. The Comments Column of this table will be associated with the Property referenced by this key.CommentISPropertyProperty_ListViewA named property to be tied to this item. All the items tied to the same property become part of the same listview.The name of the icon to be displayed with the icon. The binary information is looked up from the Binary Table.Binary_Reference to another table nameDirectory;File;RegistryLockPermissionsDomain name for user whose permissions are being set. (usually a property)DomainForeign key into Registry or File tableLockObjectPermission Access mask. Full Control = 268435456 (GENERIC_ALL = 0x10000000)PermissionUser for permissions to be set. (usually a property)UserStandard Sequence numberModuleAdvtUISequenceAction to insertBefore (0) or After (1)Base action to determine insert location.Unique identifier for this row.ModuleConfigurationAdditional type-specific attributes.A human-readable description.Additional type information for this item.Additional context information about this item.ContextDataDefault value for this item.DefaultValueA short human-readable name for this item.DisplayNameFormat of this item.FormatKeyword index into the HelpLocation for this item.HelpKeywordFilename or namespace of the context-sensitive help for this item.HelpLocationTable name to ignore during merge operation.ModuleIgnoreTableTemplate for modification data.ModuleSubstitutionColumn containing the data to be modified.Table containing the data to be modified.Row containing the data to be modified.RowIf this component is not "selected" for installation or removal, no action will be taken on the associated MoveFile entryMoveFilePrimary key that uniquely identifies a particular MoveFile recordName to be given to the original file after it is moved or copied. If blank, the destination file will be given the same name as the source fileName of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full path to the destination directoryInteger value specifying the MoveFile operating mode, one of imfoEnumName of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full path to the source directorySourceFolderName of the source file(s) to be moved or copied. Can contain the '*' or '?' wildcards.WildCardFilenameSourceNameValue for ODBC driver attributeODBCAttributeName of ODBC driver attributeReference to ODBC driver in ODBCDriver tableODBCDriverDriver_Reference to associated componentText used as registered name for driver, non-localizedReference to key driver filePrimary key, non-localized.internal token for driverDriverOptional reference to key driver setup DLLFile_SetupODBCDataSourceText used as registered name for data sourcePrimary key, non-localized.internal token for data sourceDataSourceReference to driver description, may be existing driverDriverDescriptionRegistration option: 0=machine, 1=user, others t.b.d.RegistrationValue for ODBC data source attributeODBCSourceAttributeName of ODBC data source attributeReference to ODBC data source in ODBCDataSource tableDataSource_ODBCTranslatorText used as registered name for translatorReference to key translator fileOptional reference to key translator setup DLLPrimary key, non-localized.internal token for translatorTranslatorInteger containing bit flags representing patch attributesPatchPrimary key, sequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet order.Primary key, non-localized token, foreign key to File table, must match identifier in cabinet.Binary stream. The patch header, used for patch validation.HeaderSize of patch in bytes (long integer).PatchSizeForeign key to DiskId column of Media table. Indicates the disk containing the patch package.Media_PatchPackageA unique string GUID representing this patch.PatchIdName of action to inlcuded in progress.ProgressActionsForeign key referencing Component that controls the file to be removed.RemoveFileName of the file to be removed.Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full pathname to the folder of the file to be removed.Installation option, one of iimEnum.InstallModeForeign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the deletion of the .INI value.RemoveIniFileThe .INI file name in which to delete the informationThe value to be deleted. The value is required when Action is iifIniRemoveTagThe type of modification to be made, one of iifEnum.2;4RemoveRegistryForeign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the deletion of the registry value.The predefined root key for the registry value, one of rrkEnumReserve a specified amount of space if this component is to be installed.ReserveCostReserveFolderPrimary key that uniquely identifies a particular ReserveCost recordReserveKeyDisk space to reserve if linked component is installed locally.ReserveLocalDisk space to reserve if linked component is installed to run from the source location.ReserveSourceName of a service. /, \, comma and space are invalidServiceControlRequired foreign key into the Component Table that controls the startup of the serviceBit field: Install: 0x1 = Start, 0x2 = Stop, 0x8 = Delete, Uninstall: 0x10 = Start, 0x20 = Stop, 0x80 = DeleteArguments for the service. Separate by [~].Boolean for whether to wait for the service to fully startWaitInternal Name of the ServiceServiceInstallDescription of service.External Name of the ServiceArguments to include in every start of the service, passed to WinMainOther services this depends on to start. Separate by [~], and end with [~][~]DependenciesSeverity of error if service fails to startErrorControlLoadOrderGrouppassword to run service with. (with StartName)PasswordType of the serviceServiceTypeUser or object name to run service asStartNameStartTypePrimary key used to identify a particular SQL component record.SqlUpgComponentA comma-separated list of languages for either products in this set or products not in this set.UpgradeThe attributes of this product set.The property to set when a product in this set is found.ActionPropertyThe list of features to remove when uninstalling a product from this set. The default is "ALL".The UpgradeCode GUID belonging to the products in this set.The maximum ProductVersion of the products in this set. The set may or may not include products with this particular version.VersionMaxThe minimum ProductVersion of the products in this set. The set may or may not include products with this particular version.VersionMinThe flags for this file.WiseSourcePathForeign key into the File table denoting the file for the source pathname.The date/time modfied of the source file.DateThe pathname to the file on the source computer.SourcePath